Shocking baby pictures..........
Shocking Baby - Most Shocking Pictures - Most shocking News

Shocking baby - with three hands
Most shocking pics of the day - shocking baby born with three hands in Japan

These Shocking Baby Pictures are From Bhopal, India. The Union Carbide gas disaster has been deemed the worst industrial accident in history, Buried alive to die..

Shocking Baby - aborted baby pictures
Most shocking News or Most shocking picture here is of an unborn aborted shocking baby picture..
I am not really sure if this most shocking pictures of baby soup or most shocking pictures or like i would say most shocking pictures are really a real ones but all i know is if this is happening for real it is really shocking news that when this most shocking pictures were taken not even camera section or the shocking news tried to stop this..

Shocking Pictures - most Shocking Pictures - Shocking Baby Pictures
In this Most shocking pictures , a small baby is being cut into pieces and shocking news is that being served as shocking baby soup.-Most shocking pictures or Shocking newsIn this shocking picture, The shocking news is the baby is being cut into small pieces and shockingly mixed into herbs to get some good smell and flavor in the dish- Shocking news or Most shocking pictures
In this shocking picture the shocking news is that the new born baby straight from mothers womb has reached the restaurant where some shocking hygienic steps are being taken for the shocking human eating human clients safety - Shocking Pictures or shocking news

Shocking Pictures - most Shocking Pictures- Shocking Baby Dish
Again another shocking picture of a baby being mixed with herbs or to get some good flavor or smell -
- Shocking Pictures or shocking news

Shocking Pictures - most Shocking Pictures-Shocking Baby Dry chilled in Restaurant
This Shocking Picture is being served to the clients as a shocking baby soup and the most shocking news here is that it is the most expensive dish in Japan - Shocking News or Shocking Pictures ?

Shocking Pictures - most Shocking Pictures-Shocking Baby soup
OMG.. This is the most shocking, disgusting and the most shocking news i have heard or seen in my life. “The Baby Soup is called in the local jargon ‘Spare Rib Soup’ and the shocking news is that this not available on a daily basis shocking news ha..... !
The shocked reporter who originally took this most shocking pictures and wrote this shocking news article in Chinese said that he had to shockingly wait a couple of weeks until a baby was available. The shocking story behind this most shocking pictures is that a couple who had two daughters already had a third pregnancy which they aborted when they were shocked to find out at 5 months it was again a girl. shocking news here is that the first thing they did was they contacted the restaurant and sold their aborted daughter. I was Shocked at the shocking news that Babies which are close to term (i.e. 9 months) cost 2,000 yuan (about US$ 290) The ones that are aborted earlier only cost a few hundred yuan (100 yuan is US 14.50) another shocking news here is that Just buying the placenta alone also costs a couple of hundred yuan (about US$ 30)
Shocking news circulated in China. A town in Canton is now on trend taking baby herbal soup and the shocking news is that it is taken for a simple greed to increase health and sexual performance/stamina. More shocking news came along when a factory manager was interviewed and he testified that it is effective because he is a frequent customer shocking news Chinese ass hole . It is a delicacy whereby expensive herbs are added to boil the baby with chicken meat for 8 hours boiling/steaming. The most disgusting and the shocking news and a shocking scene was when he pointed to his second wife next to him, who is 19 (he is 62), and testified that they have sex everyday.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unfortunate Bodies
Believe it or not!!! Believe it or not!!!
It's the hottest food of JapanAnother shocking news came a long way with some most shocking pictures when a Newspaper agency based in japan received this most shocking pictures and a small note with lot of shocking news and information in it about another restaurant serving baby barbecue, the shocking news was when we were told that this restaurants have been a long term and a prestigious clients of most of the hospitals and the most shocking news is that all this hospitals are shockingly reputed restaurants..

Shocking Baby

Shocking Baby

Shocking Baby

Shocking Baby

Shocking Baby
Shocking baby - Most Shocking news baby for sale
There's a shocking new trend emerging - baby trading. Desperate mothers are selling their kids to the highest bidder. While others get pregnant to order... The little girl stands out from the other children who are scrabbling about. She's barely two years old, with wide chocolate-brown eyes and a shock of black curls. Her mother looks tired and her young face is prematurely wrinkled. She jiggles her daughter from hip to hip, and the toddler giggles in delight. She's too young to be bothered by the dirty blankets heaped on the ground around her or the tatty old mattress on the floor. And she's too young to understand the business transaction being discussed between her mother, grandmother and the two men who have just arrived. Which is just as well, as the two women want to sell her - for the grand price of £8,000. This is the reality of the growing European baby trade, and when Fabulous decided to investigate, we were horrified at how easy it was to buy a child. Within a couple of hours of making enquiries, our investigators had been taken to a tiny village in a remote area of Bulgaria. Here, working adults earn less than one euro a day (around 90p), so parents are trading the only thing they have of any value - their children. Buyers range from childless couples desperate for a baby to love, to paedophile rings. Children can be sold from anything upwards of £1,200. For families too poor to feed or clothe themselves, finding a buyer willing to fork out thousands for a child that they can't afford to raise, is like winning the lottery. Sadly, this often means they don't question their child's prospective new 'family' too closely. Recently, baby trading hit the headlines when the News of the World revealed the father and uncle of Slumdog Millionaire star Rubina Ali tried to sell her to reporters. Her family valued her at £200,000 - because she wasn't just a child - but an 'Oscar child'. The sale was stopped and her father was arrested and questioned by police in Mumbai. He has since been released, but the investigation is ongoing and Rubina's fate remains undecided. In countries such as Bulgaria, China and India, poverty is rife. Increasingly, children are being seen as a commodity to be sold to the highest bidder. As demand now outstrips supply, in some countries women are getting pregnant to order and selling their unborn babies to any willing purchaser. Kate Allen, director of Amnesty International UK says: "Poverty is the main cause. We need to restore people's basic human dignity to have any chance of preventing this practice." Back in the remote Bulgarian village, the mother is agitated and keen for our investigators to agree the price for her daughter, who we have been told is called Desislava. "I want to give you this child," the girl's young mother says. "It's hungry all day, it's miserable. What can I do?" There are a handful of other children - many of them partially clothed, all of them filthy - wandering around outside the ramshackle house that is home to an entire family and their livestock. It's not clear if the children are brothers and sisters or unfortunates with nowhere else to go.
"We are so poor," adds the baby's grandmother, a 70-year-old woman who is standing barefoot next to us. "The children are hungry. We have no bread, we have nothing." It's a shocking scene - and almost unbelievable to think that in 2009, families are so destitute they would sell their own flesh and blood. As our investigator talks to his interpreter, the desperate grandmother offers a 'cut-price deal' for another child. "This is Dimitar," she says, pointing to a scruffy barefoot toddler. "He's an orphan and we can't afford to raise him." Then she demands 10,000 lev (£4,000). Not once do either women ask - or seem to care - what would happen to the children if these men bought them. As our investigators make their excuses and leave, the grandmother, sensing the deal is off, offers them a bargain. "You can have the boy for just 6,000 lev [£2,400]. You can take him with you now." It seems no price is too low. Baby trafficking was only made a crime in Bulgaria in 2004 and the maximum punishment is just two years in prison. No surprise then, that when a child can be sold for thousands of pounds, the country has become infamous as a human supermarket. Some poverty-stricken families hand over babies to local loan sharks to pay off their debts, who in turn sell them to the highest bidder. Other women get pregnant deliberately to sell to childless couples around the world. Like the woman our investigators found in a town two hours from Bulgaria's capital, Sofia. She claims to have sold one child, and now six months pregnant, she wants to sell her unborn baby too. "I have five kids," she told our reporters. "But they have no shoes, no clothes and no beds. I'm sick and my husband has asthma. Our money goes to pay debts at shops as we buy food on credit and we're left with nothing. In winter there isn't even wood to burn. We live in poverty, like dogs." For this mother, it seems getting pregnant and selling her babies is the only way she can survive. Our reporter informed local authorities of both the cases we discovered in Bulgaria and they assured us they would investigate further. Children's charity UNICEF says Eastern Europe has one of the biggest markets for child sex and domestic slaves. In 2006, 10 Bulgarians were sentenced to up to six years imprisonment for selling 23 babies to French families for around £4,500 each. One 16-year-old Romanian girl was arrested after she complained a British woman who offered to pay her £9,000 for her baby, only paid £7,000.
Police have also investigated hundreds of similar cases involving Bulgarian and Romanian babies being sold in neighbouring Greece and Italy. Tragically, most cases go unreported. No one knows exactly how many children are bought and sold every year. Save The Children estimates it's close to 1.2 million - with the gangs involved making up to £16billion profit a year.
"There are still millions of children in both rich and poor countries who are living in horrific conditions of humiliation and abuse," says Bill Bell, Save The Children's head of protection. "Across the world there are currently 1.8 million children trapped in the sex trade, over a million children risking their lives working in mines, and millions more, some as young as six, forced to work up to 15-hour days as domestic workers. These children are treated as commodities, and can be lent or sold to other owners without warning." For the criminal gangs it's easy money and, as our investigation shows, it can take as little as two hours to find a baby for sale. "Despite police activity, as long as you have the money, you can buy a baby or young child in Bulgaria," says one Bulgarian informant. "No one asks whether you're a child abuser. It's like buying something from a market stall." Bulgaria is not the only country where child trafficking is rife. Romania, Guatemala and India also have a thriving trade. Some of these children may end up as part of a loving family - so desperate for a baby, that they resorted to this horrific underworld - but most will be used and abused, bought and sold time and time again until ill-health or death gets to them. And it seems although the authorities know this is a growing problem, there is very little they can do to stop it. Adrian Lovett, director of campaigns at Save The Children says: "Children in Eastern Europe and across the world are bought and sold as if they are commodities to be used as slave labour or for sexual gratification. Fabulous' investigation shows how easy it is to traffic children - and that it can be cheaper to buy a child than a second-hand car. How can that be right? Those who trade in children must be made accountable."
Shocking news or Shocking Pictures ?? Story by Aisha
Shocking baby pictures..........
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Shocking baby - with three hands |
These Shocking Baby Pictures are From Bhopal, India. The Union Carbide gas disaster has been deemed the worst industrial accident in history, Buried alive to die..
Shocking Baby - aborted baby pictures |
Most shocking News or Most shocking picture here is of an unborn aborted shocking baby picture..
I am not really sure if this most shocking pictures of baby soup or most shocking pictures or like i would say most shocking pictures are really a real ones but all i know is if this is happening for real it is really shocking news that when this most shocking pictures were taken not even camera section or the shocking news tried to stop this..

Shocking Pictures - most Shocking Pictures - Shocking Baby Pictures
In this Most shocking pictures , a small baby is being cut into pieces and shocking news is that being served as shocking baby soup.-Most shocking pictures or Shocking newsIn this shocking picture, The shocking news is the baby is being cut into small pieces and shockingly mixed into herbs to get some good smell and flavor in the dish- Shocking news or Most shocking pictures
In this shocking picture the shocking news is that the new born baby straight from mothers womb has reached the restaurant where some shocking hygienic steps are being taken for the shocking human eating human clients safety - Shocking Pictures or shocking news

Shocking Pictures - most Shocking Pictures- Shocking Baby Dish
Again another shocking picture of a baby being mixed with herbs or to get some good flavor or smell -
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Shocking Pictures - most Shocking Pictures - Shocking Baby Pictures |
In this shocking picture the shocking news is that the new born baby straight from mothers womb has reached the restaurant where some shocking hygienic steps are being taken for the shocking human eating human clients safety - Shocking Pictures or shocking news
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Shocking Pictures - most Shocking Pictures- Shocking Baby Dish |
Again another shocking picture of a baby being mixed with herbs or to get some good flavor or smell -
- Shocking Pictures or shocking news
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Shocking Pictures - most Shocking Pictures-Shocking Baby Dry chilled in Restaurant |
This Shocking Picture is being served to the clients as a shocking baby soup and the most shocking news here is that it is the most expensive dish in Japan - Shocking News or Shocking Pictures ?
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Shocking Pictures - most Shocking Pictures-Shocking Baby soup |
OMG.. This is the most shocking, disgusting and the most shocking news i have heard or seen in my life. “The Baby Soup is called in the local jargon ‘Spare Rib Soup’ and the shocking news is that this not available on a daily basis shocking news ha..... !
The shocked reporter who originally took this most shocking pictures and wrote this shocking news article in Chinese said that he had to shockingly wait a couple of weeks until a baby was available. The shocking story behind this most shocking pictures is that a couple who had two daughters already had a third pregnancy which they aborted when they were shocked to find out at 5 months it was again a girl. shocking news here is that the first thing they did was they contacted the restaurant and sold their aborted daughter. I was Shocked at the shocking news that Babies which are close to term (i.e. 9 months) cost 2,000 yuan (about US$ 290) The ones that are aborted earlier only cost a few hundred yuan (100 yuan is US 14.50) another shocking news here is that Just buying the placenta alone also costs a couple of hundred yuan (about US$ 30)
Shocking news circulated in China. A town in Canton is now on trend taking baby herbal soup and the shocking news is that it is taken for a simple greed to increase health and sexual performance/stamina. More shocking news came along when a factory manager was interviewed and he testified that it is effective because he is a frequent customer shocking news Chinese ass hole . It is a delicacy whereby expensive herbs are added to boil the baby with chicken meat for 8 hours boiling/steaming. The most disgusting and the shocking news and a shocking scene was when he pointed to his second wife next to him, who is 19 (he is 62), and testified that they have sex everyday.
Unfortunate Bodies
Believe it or not!!!
Believe it or not!!!
It's the hottest food of Japan
It's the hottest food of Japan

"We are so poor," adds the baby's grandmother, a 70-year-old woman who is standing barefoot next to us. "The children are hungry. We have no bread, we have nothing."
Police have also investigated hundreds of similar cases involving Bulgarian and Romanian babies being sold in neighbouring Greece and Italy.
"There are still millions of children in both rich and poor countries who are living in horrific conditions of humiliation and abuse," says Bill Bell, Save The Children's head of protection. "Across the world there are currently 1.8 million children trapped in the sex trade, over a million children risking their lives working in mines, and millions more, some as young as six, forced to work up to 15-hour days as domestic workers. These children are treated as commodities, and can be lent or sold to other owners without warning."
Shocking news or Shocking Pictures ??